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Arterial Ulcer

Arterial Ulcer

What is an Arterial Ulcer?

Arterial ulcers are similar to venous ulcers but they are round and deep, presenting the illusion of being “punched” by a hole puncher. These wounds are typically found on the outer side of the feet, ankles, heels and toes. Unlike some other types of wounds, arterial ulcers are dry.

Arterial Ulcer symptoms

  • Leg pain that gets worse when the leg is elevated.
  • Shiny or tight, hairless skin.
  • Skin that is cool or cold to the touch.
  • Minimum drainage from the wound.
  • A round wound with even edges or the look of being punched out.

Treatment for Arterial Ulcers

Like other ulcers, arterial ulcers can persist for weeks and require professional wound care. The treatment involves restoring blood flow to the affected area and ensuring that patients understand aftercare treatment plans.

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