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Diabetic foot ulcers can develop into severe problems. About 80,000 diabetic adults require leg or foot amputations from these wounds every year. Approximately 15% of diabetes patients develop foot ulcers, and among those, 15% will require an amputation.

What are diabetic foot ulcers?

Diabetic Ulcers are open sores or wounds found on the bottom of the feet. Open wounds and blisters are common consequences of diabetic neuropathy, which is a nerve damage that is commonly caused by type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Uncontrollable blood sugar can weaken the walls of the capillaries that supply nutrients and oxygen to the areas of the body, in turn impeding nerve signals.

Diabetic foot ulcer features

  • Usually form on the feet, heels, or toes 
  • Hard to detect initially at the ulcer site (patients may not experience a lot of discomfort)
  • Skin on the legs and feet may be dry and flaky 

New research indicates that diabetic ulcers can be avoided, but if they do form, early treatment is critical. Left untreated, diabetic foot ulcers require complicated treatment.

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