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About Us

Commitment to helping you find full healing

BioWell Medical is a premier on-site wound care provider, serving hundreds of communities nationwide.
Committed to delivering exceptional care, we blend innovation, compassion, and unwavering dedication to patient well-being.

With a deep understanding of long-term care settings and compliance requirements, we play a vital role in supporting overall community health.

Why Choose Us?

1. Expert Team: Dedicated specialists ensuring top-notch care.
2. Leading Products: Industry-standard treatment solutions.
3. Industry Insight: Tailored services for long-term care.
4. Compliance Focus: Prioritizing best practices.
5. Collaborative Care: Team-based approach for comprehensive treatment.
6. Holistic Support: Complete care for residents and staff.

“Experience excellence with BioWell Medical.”

We at BioWell Medical, are committed to helping you find full healing of chronic conditions. It is our privilege to offer advanced treatments for chronic pain that are a testament to modern medical research.

Our Team is  a great solution for Advanced Wound Care in SNFs Nationwide Reducing Rehospitalizations while Enhancing Patient Care. Our Advanced Wound Care program is designed to care for residents and support facility staff.

If you discover a non-healing wound our experienced medical staff will work with you to create a proper treatment plan with advanced medical diagnostics. Whether its diabetic ulcers, post-surgical wounds, arterial ulcers, pressure ulcers, burn wounds, hand injuries, cysts, skin grafts or a rare condition, we are patient and relentless in our pursuit of a diagnosis and treatment plan for every patient.

It is our goal at BioWell Medical to offer the best treatment plans for wound care on the market. Our patients can be confident they will be met with world class treatment from physicians to either fully heal the wound or have an effective pain management program for more complex wounds.

Our Commitment:

We uphold the highest industry standards to consistently deliver trustworthy results, ensuring excellence in every aspect of our services.

We continuously invest in research and education to stay at the forefront of medical advancements, demonstrating our commitment to innovative solutions for better patient care.

We are dedicated to providing top-quality care and service to your community, ensuring compassionate support for all.

Our aim is to earn the trust of our patients and communities by delivering the highest quality wound care, fostering positive experiences, and achieving optimal outcomes.


4,000+ Complete Cases

Our patients can be confident they will be met with world class treatment from physicians to either fully heal the wound or have an effective pain management program for more complex wounds.

100+ Expert Staff

If you discover a non-healing wound our experienced medical staff will work with you to create a proper treatment plan with advanced medical diagnostics.

Full Healing

We provide full healing of chronic conditions. It is our privilege to offer advanced treatments for chronic pain that are a testament to modern medical research.

Our Services:
• Comprehensive wound care solutions, blending traditional and advanced approaches seamlessly.
• Daily wound rounds conducted by our expert team.
• Weekly wound reports to keep you informed of progress and adjustments.
• Monthly community wound data reports for insights and strategic planning.
• On-site presence of dedicated wound care practitioners and nurses for immediate care and support.
• Seamless EMR integration with leading platforms like PCC and Sigma for streamlined documentation and communication.”



“Our mission is to provide outstanding, empathetic, and accessible wound care to every individual and community we serve.”


“We envision BioWell Medical as the trusted and relied-upon provider for residents’ wound care needs, offering assurance and peace of mind to our communities.”


Get Chronic Wound Relief

Learn how modern research can help you get relief.

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